
November 2024

It will happen!

“It will happen? It was near you. Yet it did not happen”. Junctures like this come into life. We have to overturn the likely suffering in these circumstances. The easy way to come out is to glance at the blue sky. How many showers had embraced the earth? Until now, the sky has not come down towards us. But we always strained to reach the sky and failed to stay there for long.

Any journey is tough and is challenging. Unexpected turns[A1] and twists happen on any journey. How do you accept the change is the million-dollar question.?

Litterateur Redefining World has only one goal. “Unfold a world- untold and unseen”. Since August 2020, we are here. Now, we now step into the fifth year of operation.

And we assure you-through the world of literature, our transnational magazine will further glue the fact that this world had no boundaries when the first man was born. There were no names for the countries, no religion and no laws compelled upon. Man was in complete harmony with all men, nature, and fellow animals.

This edition 02 of Volume II (Redefining Future) is presented before you with the confidence that you can see glimpses of our assurances, and read our commitment between lines.

Let us be together!

July 2024

The world is full of uncertainties and human being are becoming more and more volatile and they are experiencing more and more intolerance day by day. Individuals, groups, communities, societies, and governments are always facing different needs and are, at many times, in conflict.

In the book “Unveiling the new world,” I stated that “Poetic Leadership shall overturn dictatorship and autocratic rule–be it by an individual or collective–in all segments of life–family, institutions and nations.” Let me remind you, Poetic Leadership is one outcome and a way to achieve zeroism. Zeroism propagates humanity and eradication of discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. To be honest, it is time to redefine the borders in all segments of life. Literature and the arts are the reflections of thoughts and experiences. How should these reflections surface? A million-dollar question! All will have different opinions.   

However, reading and analyzing the poetry from all continents in this anthology “Redefining Poetry”, there seems that the entire world has an intense urge for human togetherness. The art and poetry in this anthology will certainly inspire our inner self. The thought of human togetherness will reject discrimination over whatever—languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. We are reminded that during the initial phase of humanity, there was no discrimination and we have to return to that initial phase of innocence and humanity.

“Every trivial change in the world will find its replication in literature. We live in an era of Meta modernism. It recognizes oscillation to be the natural order of the world. Science confirms that oscillation takes place, since there is an excitation energy triggering the particle under consideration. And the particle under oscillation will possess the characteristics of the energy it received for its oscillation. The consequence is that it may lead to a stable, unstable, or marginally stable system.”(Shajil Anthru, Unveiling the new world, ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8890663887)

Assume that particle is one crisis in the society, and the excitation energy is a push for an action. This push can create instability or stability or maintain a status quo in the society. The result depends upon the type of excitation signal – push for an action – in this case. For a stable system to be maintained, a need for borders to wither away from the human mind must develop now.

Zeroism considers that the reflection of universal togetherness and elimination of discrimination are to be the basis of the excitation energy to trigger the oscillations which result in a stable system. The outcome of this reflection will be the natural expression of feelings and ideas with no coloring or distortion. Only a zeroistic approach can create a stable society. The most influential segment among the human beings is litterateurs.

Only Litterateurs can liberate us from all inertia and transcend all the boundaries set forth. In this poetry anthology, “Redefining Poetry” brought out by Litterateur Redefining World – the lone magazine to indulge in the world of global literature, arts, music, culture, and entertainment; unfolding a world, unseen and untold, we bring poetry from all continents around this globe. According to a statistical survey, there are 253 “countries” in the world including the independent and dependant countries and territories. We therefore thought of publishing 253 poets from all continents. Of course, there are representations from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania in this anthology to review, study and assess the society they live through the reflections of their poetry. African poetry reflects the aspirations of the young generation, love, peace and anguish of uncertainty and discrimination and suppression. Nature inspires and they try to come out of the fatalism. Many writers and artists are yet to get an opportunity for their expression, the exception being the diaspora writers. Asian poetry extends beyond love, peace, nature to spiritual and philosophical arena. They are bold enough to experiment with form, structure, and content. Even in times of bitter circumstances around them, the poets lash out with much vigour towards the causes of bitterness. The urge for freedom and the value of relationships figures out prominently from Asia. Future of nature, potential disasters and catastrophes, mythological references, love for peace and harmony, vivid portraits of philosophical and intense feelings find a larger horizon in European poetry. Different styles and experiments make them interesting and thought provoking. The North American poetry adds the immigrant and homeland nostalgia apart from the characteristics sketched regarding European poetry. In South America, the poetry reflects aspirations of life, love, nature, philosophy and myth. From Oceania, we received less poetry, but worth to say all poetry received shows the depth of the poetic hearts. Poetry from comfort and non-comfort zones can be easily distinguished by the theme, language, and form. But the present-day poetry, though reflects the current scenario of the society, there are no suggestions of solutions for the problems raised in the poetry. Recall Shelley, who believed that poets are the true shapers of society, and their works had the power to influence the thoughts and actions of people, even more than the laws enacted by governments or the teachings of religions. There are examples of poets in this anthology who capture and depict the emotions and experiences in the most heart touching way. They create impressions in depth. While tackling social and mostly political issues, present poets are not so courageous enough to contribute to social change. But the good part is, this anthology carries a very few poets who are out from this chain. However, as envisaged, this anthology transcended boundaries of all sorts and shows the power to create a new world of humanity.

Sure! This anthology is going to be a reference guide in literature.

June 2023

The lone magazine to introduce the most talented and gifted creative gems from literature, arts, music, culture and entertainment….

Inspired by K M Anthru, a passionate writer of stories and literary essays who published many works in Malayalam and English, Litterateur Redefining World began its operation as a web magazine, truly international and unfolding a world, unseen and untold…

K M Anthru International Prize for Comprehensive

contribution to literature – 2022 & 2023,  K M Anthru International Prize for Redefining Society – 2023 and

K M Anthru International Prize for Redefining literature – 2023

The award winners happened to be the Litterateurs spaced by this unique magazine.

Send your submissions -poetry, fiction, cartoons, meaningful photographs, art and painting and essays to

April 2023

Towards Kabul

This edition of Litterateur RW focus on Kabul, the reason being an article appeared in which invited our attention to explore more about Kabul. This is an appeal by many organizations and individuals urging the United States government to do everything in its power to facilitate the departure from Afghanistan of at-risk Afghans, and to include artists, filmmakers, performers, and writers in that category. The signatories recognize the vulnerability of the country’s cultural workers, who are already being targeted by the Taliban and forced into hiding. Like Afghan journalists, activists, and citizens who have assisted the US, cultural workers face threats to their lives because of the work they’ve done—and they are unlikely to get out of the country without immediate changes to Washington’s approach to granting visas and providing flights. They submitted some demands of the US government, in order to save lives and fulfill the promises made to Afghan allies, colleagues and friends.

Afghanistan and arts in the 7th and 8th centuries

During 7th and 8th, Muslin conquest of Afghanistan took place. Hafizullah Emadi, an Afghan author, independent scholar who works as a development consultant for international non-governmental organizations in one of his collections “Culture and customs of Afghanistan” stresses the tolerance that was exercised after the Muslim conquest of Afghanistan in the 7th and 8th centuries:

“Islam did not sanction the destruction of the arts and cultural heritages of others, and in this spirit of tolerance worked to adopt and refine some of the ancient traditions to suit the needs and requirements of the new Muslim community. Arab domination of the country caused writers, poets and scholars to use the Arabic language in expressing their ideas and thoughts, and Arabic became the medium of communication in the administrative domain. Although writers and scholars wrote in Arabic, the common people continued to speak their own native languages… The Persian language adopted the use of the Arabic script and it is the reason that there are no written documents in the Persian language during this period.

Arab domination lasted over 200 years until nationalist movements put an end to its influence. During this period, the Persian language gradually established its dominance, since various rulers promoted the Persian language as the medium in their courts.”

10th century to 12th century

Poet Abdul Qadim Firdawsi wrote the Persian epic poem Shahnamah (‘The Book of Kings’) in 1010 by comprising 60,000 rhyming couplets. Later, Mawlana Jalaluddin Balkhi (1207-1273), a native of Balkh better known as Rumi, became one of the greatest Sufi poets writing in Persian. Afghan literature focused on Persian/Dari and Pashtu, and as a result, there is relatively little awareness about the wide scope of works written in minority languages. Dari traditionally dominated, but concerted efforts to revitalize Pashtu were made throughout by different Afghan writers.

After 17th century

The 17th-century Afghan warrior-poet Khushhal Khatak (1613-1694), who wrote in Pashtu, is considered as the national poet of modern Afghanistan. The first modern Afghan literary luminary was Mahmud Beg Tarzi (1865-1933).

Until this period, Afghan literature and art flourished with no barriers or hindrance. Islamic rule or religion did not interfere in the literature and arts. But a need for religious reforms become a need for the society which started reflecting in literature and arts.

Tarzi , an Afghan poet went to political exile in Syria where associated with reform-minded Young Turks.He returned to Afghanistan to edit the Dari bimonthly nationalist newspaper Seraj ul-akhbar (1911-1919), in which he argued for Islamic unity, social justice and internal reforms. Tarzi’s son-in-law, Amanullah, started a period of reform (1919-1929), ended in a rebellion led by conservative fundamentalists.

In the following decade and a half of recovery, romantic escapism replaced calls for reform. Abdul Ali Mistaghni (1874-1934) wrote prolifically in a wide number of classic poetic forms, in Pashtu and Dari. Sufi Abdul Haq Beitab (1888-1969), who became poet laureate in 1942, wrote eulogies to patriotism and mysticism in Dari, following the style of Mogul India’s Abdul Qader Bedel (1644-1726).

Twentieth-century Afghan literature is heterogeneous, with influences from Iran, India, central Asia, Europe, and the US. Unfortunately, publishing facilities were government-controlled and writings were limited.

When tentative moves toward democracy started in the late 1940s, the poets responded with themes of sentimental socialism, the mysticism, and revolutionary championing of the common people. Abdur Rauf Benawa (1913-1984) and Gul Pachta Ulfat (1909-1978), writing in Pashtu, best represent the period from 1946 to 1953. Among various nationalistic and social topics, they addressed themselves to the restrictions on women in Afghan society. The poets during this time continued the neoclassical Persian tradition, and employed the same style to explore contemporary problems, idealizing the past through his histories and retellings of folklore.

When tentative moves toward democracy started in the late 1940s, the poets responded with themes of sentimental socialism, the mysticism, and revolutionary championing of the common people. Abdur Rauf Benawa (1913-1984) and Gul Pachta Ulfat (1909-1978), writing in Pashtu, best represent the period from 1946 to 1953. Among various nationalistic and social topics, they addressed themselves to the restrictions on women in Afghan society. The poets during this time continued the neoclassical Persian tradition, and employed the same style to explore contemporary problems, idealizing the past through his histories and retellings of folklore.

A group of leftist writers gathered around Noor Mohammad Taraki (1917-1979), a journalist, novelist, and short story writer who was influenced by the social-protest novels of Theodore Dreiser, John Steinbeck and Upton Sinclair. Suleiman Layeq and Bareq Shafiyee), poets in both Dari and Pashtu, exemplify the development of these activists.

Initially, they wrote religious poems. But after 1953, Afghan poets wrote leftist literature produced underground or in exile. This new wave of Afghan writing was heavily instilled with European socialist and existentialist forms, and the ideas of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, blended with Sufi Islam.

Major experimentation in rhyme and metre in both Dari and Pashtu, in prose and poetry, took place in Afghan during this time. Female writers also emerged. Prose as a mode of imaginative writing gained respectability in the 20th century, but the novel and the short story remained in a budding stage. The works dealt realistically with everyday contradictions inherent in a society in the process of modernization.

There is also a distinguished group of prose writers in history and philosophy, mainly in Dari.

A free press flourished from 1965 to 1973. Newspapers carried poetry and short stories on themes ranging from Islamic conservatism to revolution, traditional love songs and Sufi lamentations.

When the monarchy was overthrown in 1973, political stagnation denied political parties legality and writer’s open expression. The literary movement lacked dynamism and meaningful direction. The free press was stifled and a second coup d’état in 1978 established the leftist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, who promoted a style of socialist realism, relying more on oratory than imagination or creativity.

After the Russian invasion in 1979, many of the literary elite fled into exile, where they combined guerrilla activities with reappraisals of the ideals they once expressed. These authors, as well as those who had fled overseas, wrote mainly about the sadness of exile.

Now, in this age of crisis, when literature and art are needed more than ever before, Afghan poets, writers, and artists have been silent and ineffective. While some poets and writers have taken a side in a conflict with their pen and even sacrificed their lives, their focus was not to create lasting works of art and literature, but to write political manifestos and storytelling pieces which have not gained popularity or longevity. Another group of them, although they had taken significant steps forward, became victims before reaching maturity, or reached an intellectual dead end and chose isolation. The return of the Taliban has decimated the political landscape, creating a great opportunity for literature and art to take the lead.

If you closely watch the Afghan literature and arts, the Arabic language had an initial influence, which later gave way to the Persian language, Dari and Pashtu. Sufi poems flourished during the initial period. Nationalism, religious reforms, romantic reforms, heterogeneous literature, sentimental socialism, mysticism, Revolutionary works, Sadness of exile dominated during different times. Religious, leftist, experimentation in poetry, European socialist and existentialist forms had roots in Afghan.

But where the country slipped out of the horizon of free literature and arts.

The answer is simple. The basic thought that the human race is One has been forgotten. Discrimination should not arise because of a difference of languages, race, creed, color, gender or religion. Dictatorship, whatever it form is not beneficial for a society. Poetic Leadership is the only way out in this dynamically changing ultra-technological world. Hatred and revenge can only cause sadness to humanity. Down pouring power and trying to control a mass is inhumane. Authority is not to express your power, rather it is the opportunity to serve the people.

Littérateurs have a major role in redefining this world.

March 2023

“The world without humans

Humans without the world”

Bing bang –

The explosion of space-

Give birth to the universe,

Gravity, stars and galaxies.

Just a cloud of dust and gas,

The gravity does the magic-

To spin, condense – to form the SUN;

Solar wind to form the terrestrial world.

The terrestrial world -one

With no atmosphere;

Gases- cooled and captured

Created the earth and atmosphere.

Molecules, its midwives, RNA, DNA-

All set to evolve the human race.

As a pre-written script;

Complex brain–a boon to humans.

Possessed innocence in the beginning

To live along with the nature.

The world without human changed

To the world with humans.

But now-

I hear the cry;

Rain bringing down tears;

Shrieks and noises of shells;

Battle and collapse of lives,

Egoist reigning the world.

Making life meaningless

Worthless of the word “human”.

To go back to the world

The world without “humans”.

Abolishing the world to become

Humans without the world.

February 2023

In the first edition itself, we proclaimed that this is going to be one of the inimitable universal magazines in the globe. We consider all humans are simply one and not to be discriminated over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender.

Litterateur invited you to appreciate unfolding a new world, untold and fresh. A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue, and we believe we kept the promise throughout.

The award was made up because of the magazine “Litterateur Redefining World” founded by Late K M Anthru, who gave importance to the literature which made a positive impact to the society.

During 2022, we presented three Golden personalities–shortlisted for consideration for this prestigious award:

Antonino Contiliano from Italy

Ivan Arguellis from the United States

Rosa Jamali from Iran.

The jury members are:

Anna Maria Mickiewicz, United Kingdom who is a poet, writer, editor, translator, and publisher (Literary Waves).

Nandita De from India, a freelance journalist writing for The Telegraph during her university days who subsequently joined Economic Times.

Małgorzata Borzeszkowska from Poland is our contributing editor and is associated with us from the early age of the magazine. A poet with her silent presence, with more than 20 years with poetry and many numbers of books and awards.

Declaration of K M ANTHRU INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE PRIZE 2022 took place at K M Anthru Foundation on 26 January 2023. Shajil Anthru, son of Late K M Anthru and jury chairman, declared the awards.

The award was declared in three categories:

K M ANTHRU INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE PRIZE 2022 for comprehensive contribution to literature is awarded to Ivan Argüelles from California, United States.

The jury found that after 1970’s, Ivan turned seriously to writing poetry.

At 83, Iván Argüelles has had a career which began in brilliant Surrealist work and then went on in a constantly changing, constantly inventive way to works which maintain some sort of connection to the Surreal but which move far beyond anything that can be categorized in any such terms. Argüelles’s work is wide-ranging, restless, full of “references”—the author’s learning is immense—but also immediate, astonishing, visceral; his work communicates before it is fully or, indeed sometimes even partially, “understood.”

K M ANTHRU INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE PRIZE 2022 for redefining literature is awarded to Antonino Contiliano lives in Marsala, Italy.

The jury found that the poetic collective group ‘Noi Rebeldía’ born in 2010 from the poet Antonino Contiliano’s idea made poetry popular and it reflected the mind and heart of the people.

The literary writing of the group, strongly oriented to poetry as a privileged means of communication and proceeds by ‘anonymisation’. In the historical, cultural and social context of the post-Fordist capitalist modernization, the goal of ‘Noi Rebeldía’ was to give a critical and satirical voice to a political poem (varying the meter and rhythm) as an alternative to intimist lyricism.

His works also demonstrates the strength and power of a litterateur to change a world.

K M ANTHRU INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE PRIZE 2022 for redefining society is awarded to Rosa Jamali from Tehran, Iran.

Jury found that Rosa Jamali through broken syntax and word-play, described a surreal world which words have lost their meanings and have become jumbled objects within contemporary everyday life.

She adapted a kind of music from classical Persian poetry and imbued it with the natural cadences of speech, juxtaposing long and short sentences. She creates some layers of intertextuality with Persian Mythology and mysticism.

Works like MAKING COFFEE TO RUN A CRIME STORY and THE SHADOW emphasis that Rosa Jamali is also trying to create a world – a world with no discrimination of any sort. Extremely talented and bold enough to write about sufferings of others leading a society to think about the change won this award to Rosa Jamali.

January 2023

We are back after a brief break. But, during this time we revamped our website for better interaction and expanded the works of the foundation K M Anthru Foundation to various areas like Literature, Arts and Media, Developing Leaders in all domains, Educating and teaching skills for sustaining life, Nature Care and Health and Community Service. To nurture these objectives, we are to conduct lectures and seminars, research in all domains, publish more books, honor distinguished personalities, be active in the proper care of nature, start and collaborate with projects for the uplifting of society.

January edition comes to you with the reassurance of working towards the achievement to persuade everyone that humans are simply one and not to be discriminated over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. We have the firm foundation of Zeroism, Poetic Leadership and Reflectoem.

Litterateur Redefining World once again invites you to appreciate unfolding a new world, untold and fresh. A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue.

As a well-wisher, promote reading of our website and subscribing to our YouTube channel, watching and giving likes/comments for every post and videos we post.

December 2022

We were forced to take a break. But we are back. As all readers and well-wishers know, the inspiration behind this was K M Anthru. He was born on April 2, 1937. He started his literary career at 17. Though publications were a few during that time, his works found space in many of the periodicals and magazines. He started publishing books, mainly Malayalam Short stories and literary essays, from 2000. Since then, he published about eight books. During his long career in literature, he published a countless number of works in various print magazines. While he was very active in literature during his old age, he suddenly became sick and bedridden in 2017. He had an unfulfilled dream of becoming an editor of a magazine. The thought of Litterateur Redefining World arose to fulfill this dream. His son, Shajil Anthru, also a writer, started the online magazine to fulfill this dream. Sad to add, he passed away on 19 December 2020. He was the man who loved literature, lived through it and died for it.

But the magazine he started acclaimed a notable position in the World literature in a brief span. In memoriam and, as a mark of the respect towards him, K M Anthru Foundation was established, and the foundation instituted K M Anthru International Literature Prize. It is a humble beginning from Litterateur Redefining World to acknowledge and honor the great masters of literature and Arts who dedicated their life to literature and contributed comprehensively throughout.

First K M Anthru International Literature Prize 2021 was awarded to Jack Foley, poet and litterateur from California, United States.

During 2022, Notifications / Invitation letters were sent out on 1 September 2022 and the deadline of the submission was 30 September 2022.The Committee received 359 nominations from various countries. The foundation and jury members had a tough task ahead to shortlist and arrive at the final three.

In the first edition itself, we proclaimed that this is going to be one of the inimitable universal magazines in the globe. Covid pandemic has reformed the borders and validated that human are simply one and not to be discriminated over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. Human are so frail sometimes, and they have to refurbish the forte to endure in this world. Of course, got sealed inside walls and cities. Humans tried reaching out through digital means. We learned a big lesson. Relationships matters.

In Litterateur, not only literature, but all literature pleated expressions like art, music, culture and entertainment find out their space here. We are with the world, wary in flouting the chain of social virus which create social distancing and masking. We requested all to clasp to another chain of social intimacy and unmask the gifted. Litterateur invited you to appreciate unfolding a new world, untold and fresh. A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue, and we believe we kept the promise we made.

The award was made up because of the magazine “Litterateur Redefining World” founded by Late K M Anthru, also give importance to the literature which made a positive impact to the society.

Here in this issue, we present three Golden personalities – the litterateurs who are shortlisted by us. Hope you will also appreciate the selection.

August 2022

Percy Bysshe Shelley born on 4 August 1792 died on 8 July 1822 at an early age of 29. Shelley met death while sailing in his new boat the Don Juan from Livorno to Lerici. A few hours after its start, they lost the boat in a storm and sank. His body washed ashore on the tenth day. On 16 August, cremation took place on a beach near Viareggio and buried the ashes in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome.

The day after the news of his death reached England, the Tory London newspaper The Courier printed: “Shelley, the writer of some infidel poetry, has been drowned; now he knows whether there is God or no.”

When his body was cremated on the beach, his “heart” resisted burning. Hunt preserved the scorched heart in spirits of wine for a long time till it was buried.

According to Shelley “Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehend inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

The heart of the poetry and the poet cannot be burned. Even they resist death and live in the hearts of the future generation.

William Shakespeare commented “Literature is a comprehensive essence of the intellectual life of a nation,” and “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”

“Litterateur Redefining World”, view that “We are in a world disarrayed with disasters. True it is, from the pages of history, every trivial change in the world will find its replication in literature. Recall post modernism in the second half of the twentieth century. The World War II brought forward a new thought about humanity along with a deep sense of pessimism. This marked postmodernism when some tried to break away from the ideals of modernism. But the conflict continued within postmodernism and it also weakened as an intellectual and cultural system.

We have put various possibilities forward after postmodernism: post-postmodernism, new materialism, post humanism, critical realism, dig modernism, Meta modernism, performatism, post-digitalism, trans-postmodernism, post-millennialism, etc.

However, Postmodernism era characterized by dualist notions ended and a new era with monist era begun. Thinkers around the world called it as Meta modernism. Meta modernism questioned the universality and truthfulness of old modernism and the fragmentation and skepticism of postmodernism. Meta modernism tried to recreate a sense of wholeness that allows positive change both locally and globally, characterized by an oscillation between aspects of both modernism and postmodernism.

Going ahead with Covid pandemic smash which reformed the borders and re-validated the oneness of human race, we should foresee that it is time to go beyond Meta modernism. Discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender has to diminish and borders in all segments of life redefined.

Literature and Litterateurs have a greater role in molding a new intellectual and cultural environment.

Yes! A Beyond Meta Modernistic period is evolving!”

The inspiration behind this venture was none other than our founder editor Late K M Anthru, (1937 -2020), litterateur from Kerala, India- the man who loved literature, lived through it and died for it. In memoriam and, as a mark of the respect towards him, we instituted K M Anthru International Literature Prize in 2021. It was a humble beginning from Litterateur Redefining World to acknowledge and honor the great masters of literature and Arts who dedicated their life to literature and contributed comprehensively throughout.

We are now inviting nominations for K M Anthru International Literature Prize 2022 for comprehensive contribution in Literature. You can sent Applications/Nominations using the google link  from September 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. The Chairperson of Jury will declare the Prize on November 2022 and we will hand it over on 19 December 2022 in a public function. The award is a memento with a pure silver medallion with a photo of K M Anthru engraved.

We, from Litterateur Redefining World request our writers, readers and well-wishers to spread the announcement across the world and nominate Literary Personalities who had contributed comprehensively throughout their lifetime.

July 2022

Dear Readers, Writers and Well-wishers of Litterateur Redefining World – the online transnational magazine from Kerala, India started on August 2020,

This is the twenty-fourth edition of this magazine founded by Late K M Anthru. The support and encouragement showered upon us is the real inspiration for us throughout these two long years. 425 authors across the globe are not a simple numeral. We relate it to a large cultural transaction between individuals and countries.

In our first edition, we proclaimed that our scope of work will not be confined to any boundaries. We consider humanity to be ONE and not to be discriminated by languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. We are not averse to technology. With technological support, we intend to transcend boundaries. The success of this magazine proves we have achieved “something “in this direction.

Two major milestones during these years highlight our dedication towards literature and our commitment to the world.

We instituted K M Anthru International Literature Prize in 2021 and will continue during the coming years to honor the great masters of Literature for their comprehensive contribution to Literature.

KM ANTHRU FOUNDATION, called KMAF, under Indian law, came into existence with its registration.

K M Anthru – man who loved literature, lived through it and died for it. As Shakespeare said, his life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world, “This was a man!”

K.M. Anthru was the eighth son of Kottayil Moideen Sahib and Perumbalam Kallidumkadavil Kunjomma. On April 2, 1937, he was born. He started writing at an early age. He published his first story in the year 1956. After completing his education at Kanjiramattom Government Lower Primary School, St. Ignatius High School and Maharaja’s College, he worked at Poona Defense Account Office, the Pension Pay Master’s Office at Thiruvananthapuram, Station Master at the Indian Southern Railway and an advocate of Kerala High Court and Central Administrative Tribunal.

As a litterateur, employee, organization leader and advocate, he worked for the downtrodden and marginalized. His view that education never ends reflects the importance he gave to education. By educating and empowering the downtrodden and marginalized was the key to development His writings reflect the need for developing the nation by preserving nature.

In this context, we find it befitting to work in the areas of:

                        • Literature, Arts and Media

                        • Developing Leaders in all domains

                        • Educating and teaching skills for sustaining life

                        • Nature Care and Health

                        • Community Service

To nurture these objectives, we will provide:

                       • Lectures and Seminars

                       • Research in all domains

                       • Publications

                       • We will also honor distinguished personalities with awards

                       • Be active in the proper care of Nature

                       • Initiate and collaborate with projects for the uplifting of society

In coming days, we hope to present major changes which will transform our magazine into a force for the universe. We once again invite you to appreciate unfolding a new world, untold and fresh. A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue.

You will never be thwarted.

June 2022

We instituted K M Anthru International Literature Prize for comprehensive contribution in Literature in the year 2021. We awarded the first K M Anthru International Literature Prize for the famous poet, writer and philosopher from California, Mr. Jack Foley.

In the coming month, we will notify the call of K M Anthru International Literature Prize 2022. We will conduct the Second Global Literature Conclave in August 2022, which marks the second anniversary of our humble venture.

We realize life shore and sea shore resembles well.

And sitting at a beach in Trivandrum, I wrote…


Nay! It is a life shore


Oh! It is nothing but the taunts in life

Some may soak and douse you

Some may caress you gently

Some may not even reach you

Some may intrude without a touch on you

But on every wave, there is a lesson


               Yes! They are the footpaths of the unknown

               Who visited the life before us.

               Some tracks are splashed away

               Some endure for us to recap

               Their marks on history.

Yes! We remember our founder editor Late K M Anthru still with us motivating each moment; We remember every writer, artists who reminded us that Literature and Art will live as long as human life exists…as long as human desire peace…

May 2022


Had you ever thought of it

They had love in their heart for




Which did not reach them justly.

Their Unreached love

Their hidden tears and yells

Transformed heart Saddened

Stronger than diabase

Eyes blurred and become inhumane.





-Let all die

The societal tie must break

Manmade rules must break

God made rules must prevail

Kill, kill and kill

Shell, Shell and shell

Unreached love must find its target

Love must be reciprocated

Or you make another




A new PUTHITMUS will emerge

April 2022


I’m not able to move


Not my limbs,


My fingers


My tongue and eyes


But vivid emotions rise


Inside my soul


You cannot see it


You cannot feel it


Don’t think; I am dead


I am alive; still alive


But with the soul


Dead soul with throbs


Cocoons are dormant


But will hatch out one day


One day


That day is mine!


[My last line is a version of Rilke’s famous line from the Duino Elegies:

“Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders?”]

March 2022

More than the war that creates orphans

Pity it is –

Litterateurs and artists that have become dumb!

When war is raging

When war is raging

When orphans are created

When yells from the rubbles gets squeezed

We jump into bunkers to insulate from the desolate.

Who will come victorious?

Whose shoulder will give me fortunes?

Whose wrath may bestow the hell and hardships?

We wait – before we raise against the bloodshed in streets.

Pause the game for a while.

Pace towards a table to chat a while

Peace is difficult to maintain; war is easy to drive.

People – do never forget the lethal weapon of the nature.

For – if you fail, the Nature will act

February 2022

Lata Mangeshkar, (19 September 1929 – 6 February 2022, the Queen of Melody, the Nightingale of India passed away at the age of 92 on February 6.


where did you go?

Into the blue sky?

Or to the other poles

         of the universe?


Did you really wing away?


        the melody

        Rich repertoire of music

is still hovering here.

…No fire can engulf the tracks

Full of life and love…

January 2022

Back to Nature


“Mr. Shajil”

God called. He smiled, but I did not return the smile and he did not expect as well.

My drooping eyes showed him I was sinking DOWN to earth after I stood LOST.

The moment I felt UNLOVED; true; I became ENOLA.

My eyes would close now. I will start sinking now. My heart beats had slowed down and vitals are on dangerous levels.

“Mr. Shajil”

God called.

I tried opening my eyes.

He leaned towards me and spoke.

“There will be a knock at your heart. Like the river flowing towards the sea, I feel, knock will come searching for you where you are. Don’t lose heart and if you fail, I will fail.

Man Proposes God disposes. But in your case, you did not propose. I proposed. And if it becomes God Proposes Man disposes, then I am a failure like you, Shajil.

And do you think that those who believe in me will make me fail?

Your longing is my longing too….


Is his voice becoming feeble? No!

I tried to smile at him.

His words reverberate in me.

…… There will be knock at your heart…. the knock will come searching for you….

And God and I wait for the miracle to happen.


“Mr. Shajil”

Devil called. He giggled.

My drooping eyes showed him I was sinking DOWN to earth after I stood LOST.

The moment I felt UNLOVED; true; I became ENOLA.

My eyes would close now. I will start sinking now. My heart beats had slowed down and vitals are on dangerous levels.

“Mr. Shajil”

Devil called.

I tried opening my eyes.

He leaned towards me and spoke.

“How do you feel now? Choking? Suffocating? Isolated?”

Man Proposes Devil disposes. But in your case, you did not propose. Son of Eve proposed.

And I have my victory flag flying high, Shajil.

Your longing is my longing too….


Is his voice becoming fierce? No!

I tried to stand from my bed.

God’s words reverberate in me.

…… There will be knock at your heart…. the knock will come searching for you….

  And God and I wait for the miracle to happen.


Sky suddenly became blue;

No clouds;

Sun too soothing with its rays;

No rain;

Breeze caresses the leaves;

No thunder;

I looked around. Why?

And I saw you!

“Mr. Shajil”

God called.

“Wake up…

Open your eyes

Look around



Basil leaves



Black pepper




Orange, grapefruit, lemon

For you to

Eat or drink


“All I gave you to fight

The devil;

Open your eyes

Open your mind”

God’s words reverberate in me.

…… There will be knock at your heart…. the knock will come searching for you….

And I hear the knock at my heart.

Back to nature

Back to zero

To combat you –

My devil

Hey son of eve…

No choking

No suffocating

No isolation.

Man proposes


Devil proposes


Son of eve proposes


God disposes

If you have an open heart,

-Open eyes

-Open mind.

December 2021

Litterateur Redefining World is an online publication which started its operation in August 2020 with K M Anthru as its Managing Editor.

The inspiration behind this was K M Anthru. He was born on April 2, 1937. He started his literary career at 17. Though publications were a few during that time, his works found space in many of the periodicals and magazines. He started publishing books, mainly Malayalam Short stories and literary essays, from 2000. Since then, he published about eight books. During his long career in literature, he published a countless number of works in various print magazines. While he was very active in literature during his old age, he suddenly became sick and bedridden in 2017. He had an unfulfilled dream of becoming an editor of a magazine. The thought of Litterateur Redefining World arose to fulfil this dream. Sad to add, he passed away on 19 December 2020. He was the man who loved literature, lived through it and died for it.

But the magazine he started acclaimed a notable position in the World literature in a brief span. In memoriam and, as a mark of the respect towards him, we instituted K M Anthru International Literature Prize. It is a humble beginning from Litterateur Redefining World to acknowledge and honor the great masters of literature and Arts who dedicated their life to literature and contributed comprehensively throughout.

November 2021

God and devil


Had you seen a coin?

The two sides

Both are my faces




When you toss me up

I fall down to show my face

Sometimes the face of GOD

Other times the face of Devil


I got a magic eraser

An eraser to rub off the love

From this world

I got a magic pencil

A pencil to draw the darkest

Line of evil

I got a magic world

Where there are numerous canvas

In form of human.


One sunny day

I saw GOD and Devil

Running fast to hide themselves

Both found refuge in a cave

Where there was no light

Where there was only darkness

I crept inside the cave

And I saw; for the first time

GOD and DEVIL are alike


About the two faces

About the magic eraser

About the magic pencil

About the magic world

About light and darkness

The writers write in their stories

And we- Litterateur RW –

Pave the way to reach the world

October 2021


The dusk came down to the sea. The shore looks deserted. Waves still rattled into the shore in the quest of finding someone. I hung around the beach; but could not finish my combing. I am combing the damp shore for mussels. Encountering one, I will pick them up and open it. The mystic formula of my dream realization is inside a mussel.

Yes! My father once told.

“When your life becomes miserable, go to the beach. There, you will find the way to realize your dreams. It is in a mussel. “

That is why I have been here for the last few days picking and exploring each mussel I step on. I can read others- known and unknown, friends and foes, calling me crazy.

Dear readers, had you ever noticed that the sea never stopped his search for his destiny? So why should I stop?

Occasionally I chat with the waves-

“Waves… Did you ever tug my mussel into the sea and hid it in your bosom?”

A burst of laughter would be the answer. Waves with love and empathy will come rolling towards my feet and will caress me.

Days, months, and years passed.

Only the sea and me!

Occasionally, the shower and the hurricane will shatter the shore. The blazing sun torched the sand granules. Yet neither of us stopped our probe. I stood by the sea.

Day and night;

In pain and bliss;

We are together.

Currently, no one focuses on me. Why should everyone focus on the madman? I have seen people who seasonally love and hate the sea and shore. Still, the sea sustained.

And…. One day … it was a holiday. Holidays are a celebration, are they not?

And all celebrations troop up to a place.

A girl came to the beach along with a crowd. Astonishingly, she was the lone person to sympathize with me when her mates ignored and pestered me. I heard her voice echoing from my back.

“What are you searching for?”

During the yester years, no one other than the sea asked me for such queries. I was amazed. I said. :

“The way to make my dream come true”

“Dream comes true?”

She looked puzzled. I explained.

“It’s in some mussel.”

She said nothing and looked around. Her friends laughed mockingly.

Once again, the blanket, dark and heavy, came and roofed the sea. As usual, I resorted to the beach sand in despair. That is when I saw the girl hiking towards me. She had a mussel in her palm.

She asked.

“Is this the mussel?”

I took it in my hand and opened the chip with incredible, indescribable pleasure.

Awesome! The picture of the girl, (but not the present one, her old age face) who gave me the chip looks at me from inside.


I uttered.

When I raised my eyes, I could not see her in front of me. I looked around.

I saw her walking above the waves of the sea in harmony to its ups and down.

August 2021

Journey never ends…

Inspired by K M Anthru, a passionate writer of stories and literary essays who published many works in Malayalam and English, Litterateur Redefining World began its operation as a web magazine, truly international and unfolding a world, unseen and untold.

We published 12 editions of Litterateur RW monthly magazines, one Poetry Anthology, 1 Single Author Special Edition, and 13 Reflectoem magazines. We experimented with video magazines, audio magazines and a mix of all in one. Even performance of dance appeared as a magazine from Litterateur RW.

Till date we published 323 writers and artists from all parts of the world. 6,17,962 users from 223 countries visited our magazines and read. United States, India, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, France, Germany, South Korea, Singapore and Italy tops the table.

We telecasted 41 videos on our YouTube channel.

A demand for print copies from the authors forced us to think of a platform for publishing. As a start we chose Amazon as the print book publishing. So far, we published 5 Litterateur RW monthly magazines, One Poetry anthology, 1 Single author Special edition magazine and two reflectoem magazines.

We have plans to be more dynamic and creative with more interaction and opportunities for the writers and artists around the world. Many Litterateurs and artists worked with us throughout the year for the success of the magazine and its associated works.

We have Litterateurs list published on our website. Apart from this, we invited Litterateurs and Artists around the globe to become our FELLOW MEMBERS. Our Fellow Members are Members of Litterateurs Redefining World with outstanding achievements in literature and Arts. Fellow Members shall act as an Advisory Board of conferences & Workshops act as Resource Person. We expect them to be active in our social media platforms. promote magazines, posts through shares and likes, subscription to YouTube and sending creative works for publishing.

At present, we have 43 fellow members inducted for the year 2021-2022. Every year we will evaluate the performance of the fellow member and will change/upgrade their status.

Overwhelming responses from the writers and artists around the globe made us to institute an award in the international level in memoriam of Late K M Anthru, the founder Managing Editor of this magazine, which would transform into one of the International Prize for Literature at par with the Nobel Prize. K M Anthru International Litterateur Prize 2021 is only a humble beginning.

Any person who meets the nomination criteria around the world and in any language may submit a nomination for the KM ANTHRU International Literature Prize. We keep the names of the nominees and other information about the nominations confidential.

We award annually K M ANTHRU International Literature Prize for a litterateur for his/her comprehensive literary contribution. Each year, a panel of four judges, with Chief Editor of Litterateur Redefining World as the Chairperson of the jury, will decide the prize. The judges evaluate the submissions for the contribution of the nominee and choose the award winner. The prize carries a citation, and a Memento with the photo of K M Anthru and the winner embossed.

Every year the nominations will be open on April 2, the birth anniversary of K M Anthru. We will announce the prize on August 9 and will distribute on December 19, the death anniversary of K M Anthru.

Also, we will conduct an annual celebration from August 9 to August 15 named Global Literature Conclave every year.

Coming days, we will strive hard to bring a technologically updated magazine editing and publishing suite along with our own printing platform. We will have more online meets of writers and artists to bring Positive Change in the world.

This edition, first one in the second year, will carry the proceedings of K M Anthru International Literature Prize Announcement and Six-day Global Literature Conclave 2021.

As promised in the first inaugural edition, Litterateur Redefining World invites you to appreciate, cooperate, collaborate, support and to be with us to unfold a new world- untold and fresh.

A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue…

July 2021

It is not a dream.

White clouds sliding down the heaven with wings of angels swaying away the heat of sun and patting me in the breezeless vacuity bestowed upon me – steady but floating with my feet not feeling the ground.

Elevated up to the world where angels and devils abide composed, unexpectedly like a broken kite, when the hand of love which held me undid the grip and let go for a flash to gift me this desolation.

The disposition at the imprudent moment to drop the faith bequeathed upon me – betraying the poise to march ahead in togetherness was like sneaking into the Eden to sin.

Defenselessly seeing the unfurled tears of love, holding palm blemished by blood when the clasp was loosened, while clewing high, could just lament overwhelmingly which the thunder muted in its vociferous thud.

The sound of slaughterer honing the vanes for my nerves resonates as the music of emptiness with the dancing cloud which offer my eyes a wooziness of unsteadiness.

Enthralled upon the order of definite spells of shower, harvest, monsoon, winter, spring, summer and its cyclical splendor endowed by the foliage, wildness of woods, alps, streamlined rivulets merging into the gorgeous deep, I stood with virtue with my palm beholden by the nature.

Sneaked in me the haughtiness to disrupt the seasons, proclaim to the realm that my emergence, I gently sunken the virtuousness to the hades, the cautioning bells turnoff deaf to my ears.

Extinct greenery, barren woods, Gliding slices of Alps, raging run-offs, shifting cycles-did never uncluttered the shutters of my eyes which moseyed in the comfy turnaround pushing me down into the vale of solitary abode with no natural marauders of my foes which endangered my being.

Captivity enforced to mask me from the realm and ease, to comprehend the sense of sunrise and sunset, to appreciate your hand which held me – when my heart flutters, struggle to breathe in, breathe out ascertaining not to let your clasp go loose again.

White clouds sliding down the heaven with wings of angels swaying away the heat of sun and patting me in the breezeless vacuity bestowed upon me – steady but floating with my feet not feeling the ground.

Indisputable! It is I will place my feet on your terrain, seek the angel and frills in you, will never let tears block your eyes, never let your clasp go loose; for you are my breath and life.

You are my breath and life.

It is a reality…

June 2021






Some Others





May 2021

Litterateur Redefining World is now with its tenth edition. Thanks to all the contributors and well-wishers who made this venture successful.  Our inaugural edition came at a time when the first wave of virus pandemic was in peak. To fight with an unknown enemy is similar to have a betrayal from a close friend. Countries around the globe, various leaderships, and different strategies – all set to defeat the virus.

Unfortunately, while we are here with the tenth edition, many countries are facing the second and the third wave of the pandemic. Is hope pacing down?

Are the Blank days are here again?

Black and red numerals on calendar-are they diffusing to white to reduce it into ‘Only’ borders for tiny rectangles. Are we caged in this tiny rectangle to escape the Second, third waves rolling in?

Are our routines becoming same and monotonous and distress shooting high?

From the desk, I have only one to share at this moment.



Broods of Heaven and Earth

The titans!

Prometheus’s insight told

Zeus would rout the Titans.

Hence bowed loyal to Zeus

The Olympians!

Zeus waged in turn

“Create the first ones to live on Earth.”

Epimetheus shaped the animals

Bequeathed a special skill and shield.

Prometheus took his time molding man,

But left with no forms of guard

All in stock Epimetheus used.

Alas! Prometheus stood puzzled!

“Let man have fire”

Prometheus told Zeus

“Fire is only for GOD’

A No from Zeus!

Let the NO go to hell

Prometheus offered fire to man

Irate Zeus taut him with chains

Far away in the Caucasus Mountains

Where nobody would find him.

Zeus sent an eagle

To feast upon Prometheus’s liver,

Which grew back every day

Torture, torture, torture

Till Heracles became the savior

Slayed the eagle

To free Prometheus.

Zeus keen to punish man,

Created a woman named Pandora.

Molded to look like the beautiful goddess.

Sent to Earth to be Epimetheus’ wife.

Prometheus warned

It is Zeus’s deceit.

Epimetheus ears gone deaf

Eyes blind by her beauty.

A wedding present- Pandora box

Zeus offered but warned

“Never open it!”

An upsurge in Pandora

Curiosity, craving strong

The desire to open

Pandora unable to resist.

– Greed,

– Envy,

– Hatred,

– Pain,

– Disease,

– Hunger,

– Poverty,

– War,

– Death.

All of life’s miseries

Flew free to the world.

But when the lid was banged down

Only hope remained inside!

Now it is the spell

To open the box again

To bring back HOPE

And alike The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Let us tame the miseries

Yield back the box.


To make this possible, we need the right leadership- a poetic style of leadership. Continue with the armory with us. Meanwhile explore the possibility of diminishing the established thought that vaccine is the only solution for virus. Look back the history of the world. Litterateurs and Artists led the science and revolutions. Only they can create the possible from the impossible. And that is exactly the essence of Zeroism – the new order of the day!

April 2021

We are in a world disarrayed with disasters. True it is, from the pages of history, every trivial change in the world will find its replication in literature. Recall the advent of post modernism in the second half of twentieth century. The World War II brought forward a new thought about humanity along with a deep sense of pessimism. This marked the advent of postmodernism when some tried to break away from the ideals of modernism. But the conflict continued within postmodernism and it also started to weaken as an intellectual and cultural system.

Various possibilities have been put forward after postmodernism: post-postmodernism, new materialism, post humanism, critical realism, dig modernism, Meta modernism, performatism, post-digitalism, trans-postmodernism, post-millennialism etc.

However, Postmodernism era characterized by dualist notions ended and a new era with monist era commenced. Thinkers around the world called it as Meta modernism. Metamodernism questioned the universality and truthfulness of old modernism and the fragmentation and skepticism of postmodernism. Meta modernism tried to recreate a sense of wholeness that allows positive change both locally and globally, characterized by an oscillation between aspects of both modernism and post modernism.

Going ahead with Covid pandemic smash which reformed the borders and re-validated the oneness of human race, we should foresee that it is time to go beyond Meta modernism. Discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender has to diminish and borders in all segments of life redefined.

Yes!  A Beyond Meta Modernistic period is evolving!  I am happy to propose – The era of Zeroism!  -New order of the Day

March 2021

one act play based on true story







Office of the Editor

Editor in front of the computer.

All other chairs are vacant.

The phone bell rings

Editor picks up the phone.

Voice: Hello, which fool has picked up this phone?

Editor: Editor

Voice: Oh… Thanks… Thanks. At last, you picked the phone. I’m worrying if you accidentally got sick with the COVID-19 virus… And died… I don’t care about the fate of my story… but I am worried that you are alive or not… if you do not publish my story within a week, then I will consider you dead from owls – 19 and I will light a candle in memory of you…

Editor: I understand your impatience. But I already posted on our official website about the demise of our managing editor, also my father, the reason for delay in bringing out the magazine.

Voice: Very glad that you are alive and to know someone from the main had passed away.

Editor: You are welcome to light a candle in memory of humanity and empathy which passed away from your heart.

Editor ends the call. He walks towards the window. He picks a letter from the inward table.

He reads. We can hear it from background.

Dear Friend,

There is a creative side to loss, but it takes a while for it to manifest or for us to be aware that it is manifesting. Take your time. Let your grief lead you back into life. Remember that you are your father now, and that includes his creative aspect. Remember his joy in his writing and your magazine. Remember how much he loved the literary life, which is your life too. Much love to you.

Jack Foley.

Light on the stage fades.

February 2021

All About EY – Musings about Literature, the Short Story and the Current State of Literary Affairs

EY is the shortest story published in the world ever which transcends the boundaries of language, and with a universal language.

All stories have a context, characters, time and language. But this story is in such a way that the reader can interpret this story based on his/her consciousness. The reader decides the story, the characters, the timing and the language according to their personal experience and reading ambience. The story gives the reader the freedom to determine the context of the story and to choose the characters and context.

For example: If it’s a restaurant and two lovers out there, it’s a love story. The essence of the story changes when the reader realizes it is a communication between a mother and a small, naughty child. The story even changes when you think that the conversation takes place between two unknown people in street.

No story in the world could have asked for such intervention from the reader. The tone and pronunciation of each word in the short story make it unique and interesting.

Refer to, you may find the description of a short story. It is a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a “single effect” or mood. A dictionary definition is “an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.” The short story is a crafted form in its own right. Short stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components as in a novel, but typically to a lesser degree. While the short story is largely distinct from the novel or novella (a shorter novel), authors generally draw from a common pool of literary techniques. Short story writers may define their works as part of the artistic and personal expression of the form. They may also attempt to resist categorization by genre and fixed formation. In terms of length, word count is typically anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 for short stories, however some have 20,000 words and are still classed as short stories. Stories of fewer than 1,000 words are sometimes referred to as “short stories”, or “flash fiction”. In short, short stories have no set length. In terms of word count there is no official demarcation between an anecdote, a short story, and a novel. Rather, the form’s parameters are given by the rhetorical and practical context in which a given story is produced and considered, so that what constitutes a short story may differ between genres, countries, eras, and commentators.

You may find in,_never_worn, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” is the entirety of what has been described as a six-word story, making it an extreme example of what is called flash fiction or sudden fiction. Although it is often attributed to Ernest Hemingway, the link to him is unsubstantiated and similar stories predate him. The claim of Hemingway’s authorship originates in an unsubstantiated anecdote about a wager between him and other writers. In a 1992 letter to Canadian humorist John Robert Colombo, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke recounts it thus: While lunching with friends at a restaurant (variously identified as Luchow’s or The Algonquin), Hemingway bets the table ten dollars each that he can craft an entire story in six words. After the pot is assembled, Hemingway writes “For sale: baby shoes, never worn” on a napkin, passes this around the table, and collects his winnings.

With reference to, Augusto Monterroso is a Guatemalan short story writer best known for his 8-word story titled “El Dinosaurio”: When I woke up, the dinosaur was still there. You might imagine a young girl who wakes in the morning to find her pet Dino faithfully at her bedside.

Likewise in poetry also, there happened debates over shortest poetry. Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes, also known simply as Fleas, is a couplet commonly cited as the shortest poem ever written, composed by American poet Strickland Gillilan in the early 20th century. The poem reads in full:


Had ’em

But according to the Guinness Book of Records, the world’s shortest poem is a one-letter poem by Aram Saroyan comprising a four-legged version of the letter “m”.

Experiments have always been there in literature. This story is also an experiment, a craft which with universal language, a story which demands the participation and intervention of the readers. The craft challenges the categorization and fixed formation of a short story. The story transcends beyond the boundaries of language to end up in a universal language. Various theories have been put forward about the origin of language. The common theories of languages include the bow-bow theory, pooh-pooh theory, ding- dong theory, yo-he-ho theory, ta-ta theory and la-la theory. The story “Ey” is close to the pooh- pooh theory and la-la theory. The pooh-pooh theory put forward the idea that speech comes from the automatic vocal responses to pain, fear, surprise, or other emotions: a laugh, a shriek, a gasp. He also uses the la-la theory which states that speech emerged from the sounds of inspired playfulness, love, poetic sensibility, and song.

Moreover, examining the history of literature whether it is pre modernistic, modernistic, post modernistic or Meta modernistic, it is apparent that language is the casing of all literature. Pre modernism writers resorted to direct one to one correspondence between words and objects. But in the modernist period, writers focused on expressive language of symbol, myth and allusion to make the literary works imposing. In modernist literary texts, emphasis is given to both colloquial and formal language. Writers of the modernist period who were dissatisfied with clear resolutions and linear plots in literature that existed prior to modernism used open and often unresolved

endings. Postmodern writers often leave their stories open-ended, without any satisfying conclusion. Postmodern stories and novels rely heavily on irony and satire. Postmodern authors often discard the boundaries between the different genres. The postmodern texts reveal cynicism about the ability of art to create meaning, the ability of history to reveal truth, and the ability of language to convey reality. All that skepticism led to fragmented, open-ended, self-reflexive stories that are intellectually fascinating but often difficult to grasp. The metamodern structure can be grasped as a generational attempt to surpass postmodernism and a general response to our present, crisis-ridden moment. Metamodernism does not mean a complete break with the traditional notions of modernism and postmodernism.

In short, it can be concluded that the organized language in pre modernistic period was challenged in subsequent periods. It started assuming a form of “formlessness” in cumulative. But while endeavoring to be free in form and structure, literature did not move away from the frame of language. Language sketched boundaries and literature became geographically divided.

Ey is a story which abolishes this geographical divide and which goes beyond the Meta post modernism period. Even language in Ey acquired formlessness. Ey is the story in a “Beyond meta post modernism” period. This story also concludes the evolution of language. Beyond Meta modernism language is alike that were in pre historic times.

The present chaos created by the pandemic reformed the borders and validated that the desire for oneness of the human race. Discrimination over languages, geography, race, creed, color or gender has to wither and borders in all segments of life has to be redefined.

Ey befits the writing of “Beyond meta post modernism” epoch. And Of course, this THREE WORDED STORY is the world’s shortest story ever published.

January 2021



I saw you in my dreams yester night


The volcanic spring

To bury the kidnappers of






I saw you

While my clock struck 12

Your shadow passed my wall

Clock ticked softly with respect.


I see you

Not in my dreams

But in

Every door

Every gate

Every passage

Every beginning

Every ending

Of life.

December 2020

Here is a Man, a true human, who has a heart filled with love and poetry.


He is not frightened.

He is not old


Give way to the sunlit

Huge moon.

Bow before him

To seek blessings

Of a life lavish

of historical moments;

Shadows and lights

Uncertain though,

Learnt their meaning

He is young

Here he is to teach

how age makes us

grow young

To be with him

Is like to be with light

To be with him

Is to be with

A sunlit moon and

A poetry lit sun

November 2020

We publicized the releasing of magazine “Litterateur Redefining World” on 7 July 2020 and invited submissions from writers and artists. On 23 July 2020, we finalized the first inaugural August issue. We offered an inimitable platform for experimental literary writing. We decided to honor each and every doue or Doue’e and space all literature pleated expressions like art, music, culture and entertainment. Litterateur with technological upkeep geared up to establish a platform for all who lack openings to express. For Universal togetherness, we decided to transcend the boundaries. We called for the Writers of the world, Email.

We released the first issue of Litterateur on August 2020, 11 AM. On 19 August 2020, we realized that our website is not accessible to readers. Many writers and viewers informed us the error message about bandwidth. We were astounded by the cause of the error. The traffic towards our magazine was surprisingly high and we increased our bandwidth.

September and October issues of Litterateur reached the audience before the fifth day of the month. We honored writers with certificates of recognition. We started telecasting “Meet the Litterateur” and “Hats off” – two video programs of published writers.

As on date, we had 167,076 users for our website. We published around 100 writers and artists. Our writers are the best editors of their own work. We gave them opportunities for final editing. May be no other magazine had done. Started with 28 page magazine we are now in a 120 page magazine. We appreciate that our obligation is heightened. The prospects are high.

But we could not fulfil the dreams of writers to own a printed copy. We could have writers from only 26 countries. We have shortcomings. But we are prepared to overcome.

We are prepared to publish Litterateur on fifth working day of every month. Special editions at regular intervals will be add on. Art books will also be published. Each category in the magazine will be converted into a book and open opportunities to own printed copies of book. For writers who wish to publish books, we are to offer a cheaper but quality platform. A single author magazine is also open. We expect the discussion to telecast “Hats off”- interviews with in a national television network will be successful.  Each author who are published in our magazine will be listed in our website. Also we will provide one page for authors to showcase their work and credentials. Above all we will have a weekly column in the website where we publish works of Litterateurs and artists around the world.


We assure you a truly global magazine. Come, Let us unite breaking all boundaries.

October 2020

Oh Manhood. There is earth and sky.

Earth is what you live upon. Your dwelling places.

You have land, ocean and mountains.

Save every species of life and firmament around.

Give living space for others. Be it human or not.

Like the sun and stars become a light for others.

You will feel a soothing breeze when you make others happy.

That is heaven.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

There is light.

There is darkness.

Day and Night.

Morning and evening.

Seasons, days and years.

Water and dry land.

Green herb, seed and fruit.

Creeping creatures, flying flows, fish and whales.

Beasts and cattle.

Multiplying and filling.

Water, earth and sky.

And Man and women to rule over the globe and all.

Keeping others happy, safe and relaxed.

Protecting the earth, sky, water and it inmates.

Rejuvenating your body and soul.

And Litterateur is here for you

Taking care of your turbulent heart

To streamline life.

September 2020


Litterateur made its launch into a world disarrayed with disasters. True it is, from the pages of history, every trivial change in the world will find its replication in literature. Recall post modernism in the second half of the twentieth century. The World War II brought forward a new thought about humanity along with a deep sense of pessimism. This marked postmodernism when some tried to break away from the ideals of modernism. But the conflict continued within postmodernism and it also weakened as an intellectual and cultural system. Postmodernism era characterized by dualist notions ended and a new era with monist era commenced. Thinkers around the world called it as Meta modernism. Meta modernism questioned the universality and truthfulness of old modernism and the fragmentation and skepticism of postmodernism. Meta modernism tried to recreate a sense of wholeness that allows positive change both locally and globally. Going ahead with Covid pandemic smash which reformed the borders and re-validated the oneness of the human race, we should foresee that it is time to go beyond Meta modernism. Discrimination over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender has to diminish and borders in all segments of life redefined.

     Yes! A Beyond Meta Modernistic period is evolving!

  Literature and Litterateurs have a greater role in molding this new intellectual and cultural environment

August 2020

Yet another magazine!

“Yes. This is going to be one of the inimitable universal magazines on the globe. Covid pandemic has reformed the borders and validated that the human race is simply one and not to be discriminated over languages, countries, race, creed, color or gender. Human are so frail sometimes and they have to refurbish the forte to endure in this world. Of course, got sealed inside walls and cities. Humans tried reaching out through digital means. We learned a big lesson.

Relationships matters.

In Litterateur, we take along the entire globe to honor every Doue or Douee on all issues. Not only literature, but all literature pleated expressions like art, music, culture and entertainment ascertain their space here.

We are with the world, wary in flouting the chain of virus by social distancing and masking the faces. But let us also clasp to another chain of social intimacy and unmask the gifted.

Litterateur invites you to appreciate unfolding a new world, untold and fresh. A festivity of ingenuity emerges in every issue.

You will never be thwarted”

Litterateur RW

Instituted in 2020 Litterateur Redefining World, is a monthly online publication from R/M – Real Magazine, keen to offer an inimitable platform for experimental, literary writing. We appreciate that literature is not mere lettering. It offshoots and outspread to all forms of arts, music, culture and entertainment.

March 2025
Feb 2025
November 2024
Jiss Anto


Reflectoem RW

Reflection of one’s natural expressions of feelings and ideas, expressions which arise out of the basic thought that the human race is One and discrimination should not arise because of differences of languages, countries, race, creed color or gender. With the intense application of the heart either by use of distinctive styles and rhythms or by use of poetic writing in either verse or prose or by the use of art images, the movements of dance, the complex sounds of music–or the combination of all these things!–boundaries will wither away.

Issue 22
Issue 21
Issue 20